kulkul @kulkul активность: 4 года, 1 месяц назад АктивностьПрофильЗагрузкиДрузья 5Форумы Начатые темыОтветыВзаимодействиеИзбранноеKarma 47 Поиск ответов: Ответы в темах Просмотр 15 сообщений - с 1 по 15 (из 33 всего) 1 2 3 → Автор Сообщения 04.09.2015 в 10:59 #1591 Score: 3 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts In 2016 There have been lot some changes in Revit API. 04.09.2015 в 11:04 #1593 Score: 3 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts You can find the latest Revit 2016 API here https://yadi.sk/d/XArD-4xLiryW3 29.10.2015 в 22:13 #2494 Score: 3 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts The Parameter which your trying to set is a “BuiltIn Parameter”. Use Archi-Lab “Set BuiltIn Parameter” node to set your values. I have revised your script, you will find it here https://yadi.sk/d/hmBIQLc9k7GEf 22.01.2016 в 13:10 #2944 Score: 3 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts Hi tuuletin, ReadExcel references to the path of the 0.8 dynamo version. Once changed to 0.9 it works. 12.10.2015 в 23:04 #2330 Score: 2 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts HI Artem, Here is another method: 27.03.2018 в 14:05 #7749 Score: 2 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts Hi Hairpin, Is this what your looking for? 13.09.2015 в 07:01 #1805 Score: 2 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts I think its because get parameter value shows only Integer value. The Reason why its showing to 2 because the name is listed in 2 If you change the slanted type you see the difference. it will show 1 13.10.2015 в 12:56 #2351 Score: 2 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts Are you looking for this. 03.09.2015 в 20:37 #1570 Score: 2 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts Hi Anton, You can just connect View.DisableTemporaryHideIsolate :) 13.11.2015 в 19:46 #2546 Score: 2 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts Thanks Hassan, It works: 03.09.2015 в 20:44 #1571 Score: 2 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts And here is the code: import clr clr.AddReference('RevitAPI') from Autodesk.Revit.DB import * clr.AddReference("RevitServices") import RevitServices from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument view = UnwrapElement(IN[0]) TransactionManager.Instance.EnsureInTransaction(doc) if view.IsTemporaryHideIsolateActive() == True: view.DisableTemporaryViewMode(TemporaryViewMode.TemporaryHideIsolate) TransactionManager.Instance.TransactionTaskDone() OUT = view – Create a CODE quote (Dmitry) 11.10.2015 в 06:56 #2307 Score: 2 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts Hi Alexandr, There are some custom nodes which can give you rooms from each level. See below graph. Good Luck! 12.10.2015 в 06:29 #2312 Score: 1 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts Hi Alexander, Below are some methods where you can get room by levels. Good Luck! Method-1 Method-2 05.03.2016 в 13:30 #3366 Score: 1 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts Thank you Hassan 13.10.2015 в 06:35 #2332 Score: 1 kulkulУчастник Karma: 47 pts And here how to number of elements in rooms. Автор Сообщения Просмотр 15 сообщений - с 1 по 15 (из 33 всего) 1 2 3 →